“Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.”
This was Jesus’ response to the Pharisees when asked how to balance our obligations in our secular existence verses our spiritual walk with the Lord. For many, the balance between our secular lives and spiritual lives leans strongly to the secular. This is why we need revival. Revival is us readjusting our life balance toward God. Letting go of the worldly habits and attitudes that we think benefit us and picking up Godly habits and attitudes that truly benefit us. Our country needs revival in the worst way, but it must start somewhere. Why not here? We are planning a revival in our parish coming up in March. Our hope first and foremost is that we the people of Tensas Parish are drawn into a much more committed walk with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There are many reasons that we need revival here and around our nation, and until we intentionally deal with these issues there will be no revival in our hearts and lives. We are hoping to begin steps toward taking down some of the barriers that are inhibiting our ability to be effective workers for the Kingdom. We hope to bring together Christians who love the Lord (but rarely worship together) in a unified purpose of lifting up Jesus Christ (in word and in action) for an ever more skeptical world to see. We are planning a prayer meeting specifically for this cause starting this week at First Baptist Newellton and every two weeks at a different participating congregation. Please support these efforts in your personal prayers and by attending the biweekly prayer meetings leading to the revival. I love you and know you will!
Bro. Brandon
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