We were so blessed to see everyone gathered this morning as Bro. Brandon Jones brought the word from James 1:19-27. We hope we’ll see you all back this evening at 5:00 PM as he continues the second part of his series on Calivinism and why Calvinist doctrine is not Biblical.
๐ข Announcements:
๐ท๐ฅ We will be having the Lord’s Supper during morning service next Sunday.
๐ฆ Please save any brown paper from delivered packages for VBS! We can use it as part of our decor.
๐ Annie Armstrong Easter Offering is still being taken up throughout April. Envelopes are available in the foyers for giving.
๐ Senior Sunday is May 5. We will recognize our graduating high school seniors during morning service that day.
๐ธ Vacation Bible School will be June 10-14, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 11:45 AM daily. All explorers ages 4 years – 6th grade (completed 2023-2024 school year) are invited to join us. Keep an eye on fbcnewellton.com/vbs for updates and information. Online registration will open in May.
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